Portfolio / religious

Ladue Chapel Renovation

Understanding the dynamics of working with church leaders and committees, we respond to our client’s unique needs and visions with innovative and inspiring design solutions. For this Presbyterian ministry, we are renovating chancel and nave spaces to enhance acoustics for their new pipe organ and choir. New designs will create an uplifting, elegant, & timeless interior respecting this building’s classic design. Working in collaboration with acoustical and lighting consultants, our team delivers exceptional results to energize their worship experience.

Project Data

  • Size 5,200 sf
  • Location Ladue, Missouri

Key Features

  • New Schoenstein & Co. custom pipe organ Opus 167
  • New curved choir risers and chairs at chancel
  • Custom pew cushions, wall & floor finishes
  • Upgrades to narthex and cry room
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    Missouri Location

    143 West Clinton Place

    St. Louis, Missouri 63122


    Kansas Location

    9300 W. 110th St., Ste 235

    Overland Park, Kansas 66210


    Illinois Location

    6400 W. Main St., Ste 1Q

    Belleville, Illinois 62223
